
Welcome to my Blog. I am one of the 5000 young people from the UK attending the 22 world scout jamboree in Sweden in July and August 2011. In this blog I will talk about the camps and meetings running up to the jamboree as part of "Avonasarus", the Avon unit of the UK, and then, hopefuly have almost daily posts from the jamboree site as it happens. Hope you enjoy reading and feel free to follow

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Fifth Unit camp and Silent disco - woodhouse park training center

Last weekend was our fifth camp and our silent disco. Due to ten tors training (http://ethan-rose.blogspot.com/2011/02/ten-tors-training-dartmoor-1.htmlunfortunately, I couldn't go go but luckily, Kate - another Avon WSJ participant wrote this so that my blog still had a record.

Friday -
- We had the Somerset group round, and they were really nice, but slightly more mature than us! (they were a mixture of guides, 9, and scouts, 26? - and one was a sea scout).
- Some of the leaders from Solar, Kathryn's explorer group came, and they were AWESOME because they cooked everything for us! For dinner we had: vegetable soup (with extra veg for Kevin), a roast (containing chicken, sausages, potatoes, carrots and peas; with veggie lasagne for the veggies) and a variety of puddings (sticky toffee, lemon cheese cake, chocolate gateau and triple dark chocolate cake!)
- Music Matt came and was awsome! We were all very very tired and he had just came directly from work, so it wasn't the most productive of evenings, to say the least (this being are fault), so a special mention has to be given to him, i think he might have been beginning to lose his voice at the end of it.
- The Somerset group ate with us (as well as Music Matt the leaders from Solar and some of the IST), so a load of the Avonasaurus lot had to be waiters for the 'event' (meal), these are the people who I can remember: Catrin, Harry (lewis), Sam (potter), Kris, Kathryn (mini one) and me, though Gary did help at times. We had to be split up for the seating arragements - they were trying to make us make friends with the other lot, though some of them wer a bit reserved it was fun.
- It was Eleyna's birthday on the friday, so we got her a massive cake (it was lush, and addictive and from Cosmo), and she was given two cards, signed by pretty much everyone who was there, and she was given purple fairy wings and a lot of black and red hair spray - which she used all up!!
- After dinner we did a little more with Music Matt but then he just gave up and went home - poor guy he look exhausted!!
- Then Kevin set up the new Alice and Wonderland, on the projector (I think this was about 11pm), and load of people watched it - including the Somerset lot. There was a ridiculous amount of popcorn!! They were organised cause there were special cups and everything!!
- When it was finished the Somerset group went back to their tents - UNLUCKY - and everyone else created havoc back in the rooms (there were seven rooms by the way). It was quite cold!!
- Alan went round and made us all go to bed at about 2am, though some people just got straight back up again!! I don't think mini Dan got any sleep at all, and Arthur forgot to bring his sleeping bag (fail) !!

Saturday -
- We were forced to get up at about 9am!! massive lie in, thank you Alan!! I think the Somerset lot thought we were very lazy as we had a big fry up at about 930am, and they were up and having breakfast at 800am. There were sausages, bacon, bread, scrambled egg and a load of other stuff. Harry (collins) found a waffle maker and so loads of people had waffles (with syrup and bananas), we made a special waffle for Kevin (with lectice in the batter), though I'm not sure he nocticed!!
- then there was a neverending pile of washing up, then we spilt into our patrols to make the flags! There was only four of us in Kathryn's partol!! Me, Chris, Kris and Mike - we were abandoned by: Emily, Shianne, Beth, Kimbo and you! but our flag is amazing!! Though we were only allowed to make it a 30cm by 40cm flag, the size of the flags you put on cars. :-( 
- Then there was lunch (don't know what - I wasn't there) and we started decorating the hall for the silent disco (which I missed as well :-( oh well )!!


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