
Welcome to my Blog. I am one of the 5000 young people from the UK attending the 22 world scout jamboree in Sweden in July and August 2011. In this blog I will talk about the camps and meetings running up to the jamboree as part of "Avonasarus", the Avon unit of the UK, and then, hopefuly have almost daily posts from the jamboree site as it happens. Hope you enjoy reading and feel free to follow

Sunday 7 August 2011

DAY FIFTEEN - 07/08/11 - DEPARTURE (4 countries in 1 day)

I woke up, cold and wet, in our lovely refugee camp. We quickly started to pack up the few things we'd got out and lifted our bags onto our heads (the easiest way to carry them). We then walked to the other side of the campsite and waited for our coach to arrive which it finally did after about half an hour of waiting in the cold and wet. I fell asleep on the coach.

We arrived back at Copenhagen airport about three hours later and waited about half an hour for check in to open. We then used the self check in for our tickets and put our bags in (there was a problem with extra baggage which took some time as well. We looked around the shops etc and sat in a posh cafe which I think really annoyed the owner. We then went through security and boarded our air France plane to charles de gaulle airport, Paris. The plane left late and I fell asleep.

When we arrived at charles de gaulle, I was really dehydrated and had a really bad headache. I had been told that it wasn't a nice airport and it was really the worst airport I have ever been in, and we were only there for under an hour! I couldn't but a drink because all my euros were in my main bag, but even if I had some money, because our plane was late we were rushed back through security (which was stupid because we were only one gate down from the ones we'd be leaving from) and straight onto the plane which was another air France (a company I now despise due to the fact that their planes (and airport) were considerably worse than everyone else we traveled with)).
We then took off and I stayed awake for this part of the journey (mainly to get my complimentary drink!) and about two hours later we landed at Lisbon.
We got off the plane, went through security and wen't to reclaim our luggage where we were meat by an airport representative who told us half our bags weren't on the plane. Apparently, because our plane from Copenhagen to charles de gaulle was late (air France's fault), then it had been cheaper (for air France) to annoy us and send half the bags on a later flight, then to keep their plane at their airport for an extra five minutes - starting to understand why I don't like air France now?
Luckily for me, my bag was one of the ones that hadn't been left, so we brought the bags that we had, with us and the IST who had traveled with us, said they'd wait at the airport until midnight when they'd finally come.

We then went out of the airport and met our hosts for our time in Portugal - Anna and Rita who were really nice!
We queued and took the bus to near the scout hut we were staying in and then walked up to it. The area around looked quite dodgy but everyone there seemed really nice and the scout hut we were in was great. Most of us then had a shower as we were all sweaty after being in three different climates. Some of us then spoke to Anna and Rita using a combination of several languages (manly Josh's 'fluent' Spanish before we had dinner which for most people was takeaway chicken and for veggies was lasagna (which came about half an hour after everyone else had finished - but it was so nice and they weren't used to cooking for veggies so i'm not complaining)
After we'd cleaned up we went to bed as it was already almost midnight and we were all tired.

Kathryn, our unit leader who sadly was unable to come to the Jamboree, sent an email round every day about what our unit had been doing from what Kev and other leaders/IST had texted her. You can find what she said about this day below:

"Hi everyone

Thank you once again for all your lovely emails to me.  I hope that my reports will serve as a diary for the young people to help them remember their WSJ experience.  I know that when Lucy went to WSJ she was a little sad that she had not kept a diary but was so busy that it was hard to find the time.  I am not sure how many of the Avon unit would be writing a daily diary but did not see much writing when I was there.

I know a few parents have said that are printing off the emails and that they will keep them for their children as a reminder of what they did each day and also a reminder of what an amazing experience they have had.  Something that they can maybe read another time and enjoy.

I will confirm the travel arrangements with the leaders in the next few days and email out a confirmation email for their return times etc.


The unit made their way to their coach stop on Sunday morning, they were all wet and tired but were apparently very good and just got on with it.  A difficult night for both young people and adults alike.  The journey to Portugal went OK,  I think that mostly everyone slept when ever they could,  I am not sure that I would have wanted to be on that plane with the unit after two weeks of camping x forty people!!

They arrived in Portugal without about 8 of the bags which has gone missing somewhere along the line, luckily Ben,a member of the Scout Association from Bristol was travelling with the Unit and so after a bit of fuss and a number of hours the bags were eventually re united with the Unit.

The Unit were met in Portugal and are very lucky as are being hosted by a really friendly group of Scout leaders who have made the group feel very very welcome.  They are staying in a Scout hall on the outskirts of the City and when they arrived they were taken to the hut and given some much needed food.  The hall was hot showers, a real luxury after cold showers on camp for ten days.

The host leaders have even taken away some of the washing for everyone and are bringing it back all clean and tidy - how kind (and brave!)

Avon was just so pleased to arrive and I know that the leaders were very relieved that the somewhat sketchy plans that they had been given did actually come together.


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