
Welcome to my Blog. I am one of the 5000 young people from the UK attending the 22 world scout jamboree in Sweden in July and August 2011. In this blog I will talk about the camps and meetings running up to the jamboree as part of "Avonasarus", the Avon unit of the UK, and then, hopefuly have almost daily posts from the jamboree site as it happens. Hope you enjoy reading and feel free to follow

Monday 8 August 2011


We woke up on Monday, from Alan 'accidentally' dropping a stack of metal pan...right next to my head. We then packed up or things and pushed them to the side of the room so that we could get out the tables out for breakfast.
We quickly ate, and then me and some others, gathered everyone's uniforms together, sorted them and took them to be washed as well as getting some money out of the local bank. After that, we took some money out of the 'camp bank' before leaving at about 9:30am.

Rita wasn't there because she was auditioning/being filmed for some Portuguese soap. We caught the bus from outside the scout house and then went to the center of Lisbon, which was beautifully designed. We walked up to the water round (all the while Anna (our host) told us about where we were which was very interesting). We then went to the souvenir shop before walking up the main street in Lisbon, from which we could see a large viewing tower which Anna said we could go up almost the whole way for free. We walked on past a huge fountain, and up one of the steep 'sides' of the Lisbon - this is made much harder by the fact that the pavement are all made out of marble tiles which, although look very nice, give you hardly any grip.
We went into the tower and took loads of photos - the view was great! We then wen't up another fountain and waited there while some people got stamps and medicine (by this times lots of people were casually dying - including me). We were all starving, but Anna wouldn't let us eat, we walked up slightly higher and came to this spot, much higher then the tower which had a small public garden. This was where we had lunch and it was defiantly worth the wait! After that, we went to a old traditional Portuguese ice cream parlor (well that's what Anna told us). I can a scoop of chocolate, strawberry, apple & cinnamon and mango which were without the nicest ice cream I have ever had!
We then walked to this incredible church/cathedral which we looked inside. After that, we went up to a castle which was at, what seemed to be the highest point in Lisbon. We looked around here until about 6pm, when we went back to the scout house, we all showered, chatted and played cards until dinner at about half nine.
After dinner, we were told that, if we wanted, the hosts would take us out to see Portugal at night. Not all of us could fit in the mini buses so we had to wait before getting there and seeing that the place they were going to take us was closed. We went to another place briefly and then went back to the scout house and to bed. 

Kathryn, our unit leader who sadly was unable to come to the Jamboree, sent an email round every day about what our unit had been doing from what Kev and other leaders/IST had texted her. You can find what she said about this day below:


Back here in Bristol Lucy returned from Sweden with lots of wonderful memories, a great tan and new friends made from all over the World - although she has worked hard like all the IST she has also very much enjoyed being with the group of people that were in her IST patrol and they are already talking about meeting up in Canada in few years time at a big Scout Jamboree.  The adventure is really not over when they return, in some ways it has only just begun.

The unit were up and about after a good nights rest and the hosts had organised a trip around the City to see the sights, they also were taken to an Ice Cream Parlour which by all accounts was enjoyed by everyone.

Compared to Sweden everything seems very reasonably priced and I think that the Unit is now spending some of their money.  There was not much to buy on Site but think that some of them are making up for it now.

The hosts continued to cook and feed unit and yesterday they had so much food that there was some left over, at the moment the young people have not met any Portugese Scouts as it is their summer holiday season at the moment so most of them are away.  The host leaders are hoping that they will be able to organise a get together with at least some of the Scouts before the Unit comes home.

Last night most of the unit were taken back to the City Centre to see it at night and were in an area a little like the Waterfront in Bristol, all having a lovely time.

The sun is shining and this has helped to get rid of the dreaded WSJ cough which alot of the site seemed to have been suffering with when I visited.

So everyone having a great time, good weater, excellent hosts and lots of smiling scouts and leaders and so the adventure continues.


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